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Chalo would like to engage an Internal Entrepreneurship intern who is able to research the possibilities and opportunities in the Middle Eastern market with a large focus on Saudi Arabia.

The draft research question could be – which kind of sales strategy is best applicable in the Middle Eastern market?  Does Chalo preferably work regionally (country by country and even regionally in large countries); which factors do impact to select the right partners for which region and is this channel specific and why?

Based on the knowledge that Chalo thrives best in coffee chains and small independent coffee shop chains; what would be the most optimal stock, storage, order picking and fulfillment option currently available and how would this service still guarantee a sufficient margin for Chalo as a mother holding?

With regards to which dependencies, variable and fixed costs, would it be smart idea to outsource the import and operations of the chai logistics to an master importer and why and in which cases would it be more efficient to work with regional niche partners such as specialty coffee roasters, coffee chains, wholesalers; specialty tea retailers?

Which general and niche ecommerce platforms will be the must haves and why and most of all; how are you able to make money on them (vendor seller etc) What will be the share of the ecommerce revenue in the overall revenue in The Middle East?

Which players are most known in the market and is Chalo already in touch with them; directly or indirectly? What would be the good way to approach them; which kind of communication will it require; in which language; which tone of voice; which look and feel?

How will you be able to make sure that Chalo lands an significant partnership in the Middle East and most and foremost Saudi Arabia in 2024?

Will you be the cardamom to our karak chai in winning over the hearts in the Middle East?

Please let us know and make sure you bring all your energy, endurance and stubbornness to the table; cause this one is the one important nut to crack in 2024!

Are you interested? Please fill out the Chalo Internship Application here and we will contact you soon!

Looking for another kind of internship scope, please surf to to explore the other internships.


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