Valentine’s Day Gift Box

Discover the most delicious Chalo suggestions for Valentine's day! Indulge…


Ready for the Ultimate Chalo Chai starter kit? All our chai premix powders…

Funky Chunks Mixed Bucket – 120 servings – 30 of each flavour
65.35 60.45

Get 120 packs of your favourite Funky Chunks, sweet & healthy snacks…

Chalo mugs
Hug in A Mug Package (12x MUGS)
50.82 47.01

Let your customers enjoy their favourite #HuginaMug chai in our own funky…

Pumpkin Spice premix 1Kg Sachet
42.00 38.85

🍁 Get ready to have your tongue thickled up with Chalo's Pumpkin Spice…

organic masala slow chai latte
9x Organic Masala Unsweetened Slow Chai
157.41 145.60

Healthy purists will enjoy brewing our unsweetened Organic Slow Masala…

Funky Chunks Sesame Cranberry Bucket – 120 single servings
54.33 50.25

Perfect for the daily energy boost, the Sesame & Cranberry Funky…

Funky Chunks Pomegranate & Nuts Bucket – 120 single servings
62.49 57.80

Do you want big, bold and delicious? Well, buckle up and try our…

Turmeric organic slow chai latte
9x Organic Unsweetened Turmeric Slow Chai
157.41 145.60

Spice up your life with a cup of gold! Organic and unsweetened, that's our…

€75 Gift voucher

Surprise someone with this Chalotastic Gift Voucher. Shop delicious chai.…